terça-feira, junho 25, 2024

O lado negro do CHAT GPT - riscos a ter em conta

The Dark Side of ChatGPT: 6 Generative AI Risks to WatchBy Rhea Kelly

Gartner has identified six critical areas where the use of large language models such as ChatGPT can present legal or compliance risks that enterprise organizations must be aware of — or face potentially dire consequences. Organizations should consider what guardrails to put in place in order to ensure responsible use of these tools, the research firm advised.

"The output generated by ChatGPT and other large language model (LLM) tools are prone to several risks," said Ron Friedmann, senior director analyst in Gartner's Legal & Compliance Practice, in a statement. "Legal and compliance leaders should assess if these issues present a material risk to their enterprise and what controls are needed …. Failure to do so could expose enterprises to legal, reputational and financial consequences."

Risks to consider include:

quinta-feira, junho 06, 2024

Mais de metade dos estudantes usam IA para escrever os seus trabalhos (dados do Turnitin)

Artificial Intelligence

Turnitin: More than Half of Students Continue to Use AI to Write Papers

Since its launch in April 2023, Turnitin's AI writing detection tool has reviewed over 200 million papers, with data showing that more than half of students continue to use AI to write their papers.

As of late March 2024, the company said, out of the over 200 million papers reviewed, over 22 million were at least 20% AI-written, and over 6 million were at least 80% AI-written.

The company said this indicates that "educators and institutions should look at a variety of factors — or puzzle pieces — beyond detection." It suggests that teachers and institutions should have open discussions with students about what is acceptable use of AI in the classroom, as well as review academic policies and revise essay prompts.

O que devem as universidades fazer em relação à utilização da inteligência artificial no ensino e na aprendizagem?

O que devem as universidades fazer em relação à utilização da inteligência artificial no ensino e na aprendizagem?

Autor: Tony Bates

Ler na fonte | (Traduzido do inglês, com supressões)

O que é diferente nos modelos de linguagem generativos

Os modelos de linguagem generativos, como o ChatGPT, representam um grande avanço em relação às aplicações anteriores de IA na educação, pois podem transformar os resultados de uma pesquisa geral na Internet num relatório abrangente com uma linguagem tão fluente que parece ter sido escrita por um humano. No entanto, é importante compreender como o ChatGPT e outros modelos similares realizam isso.

O processo básico consiste em calcular a probabilidade da próxima palavra numa frase, com base na pergunta de entrada. Para calcular essa probabilidade, o ChatGPT pesquisa toda a Internet para identificar as combinações e sequências de palavras mais comuns sobre um determinado tópico.

Pontos fortes e fracos do ChatGPT

Com uma base de dados suficientemente grande de frases completas, ao pesquisar tudo o que possivelmente está disponível na Internet, o resultado é surpreendentemente preciso em resumir toda a escrita passada sobre um tópico. Note que o processo é puramente mecanicista – não há “compreensão” ou processamento conceptual envolvido.

quarta-feira, janeiro 31, 2024

Dicas para deteção de notícias falsas (nas redes sociais)

Students Tips to Detect Fake News

By Med Kharbach, PhD | Last Update: September 16, 2023

Students tips to detect fake news are the topic of our blog post today!

In a digital age where information travels faster than the speed of light, discerning fact from fiction has never been more challenging, or more crucial. Just a few days ago, we introduced you to a nifty Google feature designed to make fact-checking online content a breeze. But the battle against misinformation doesn’t stop there.

Today, we’re diving deeper into this critical issue, offering you a comprehensive guide loaded with 10 actionable tips to help you evaluate the veracity and credibility of online content—be it news stories, blog posts, or social media updates.

terça-feira, janeiro 02, 2024

Novo livro: "Memórias de um conselho diretivo"

Andei a atualizar o meu CV e ilustrei com livros que já publiquei.

Já agora, podem ter curiosidade e ver imagens do meu novo livro

Taxonomia de Bloom ... alguns exemplos de perguntas.

A taxonomia de Bloom já tem uns anitos mas dá bastante jeito para se fazerem coisas bem feitas.
Fica um texto que pode ajudar.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Questions (Examples)

By Med Kharbach, PhD | Last Update: August 6, 2023

Bloom’s Taxonomy Questions is the topic of our blog post today!

As an educator deeply passionate about the myriad ways of learning and teaching, I’ve long held a special reverence for Bloom’s Taxonomy. This simple yet profound framework offers an elegant roadmap for guiding students through the many dimensions of knowledge, from the most basic level of simply remembering facts to the more advanced stages of analysis, evaluation, and creation.

The power of Bloom’s Taxonomy doesn’t merely lie in the clear structure it provides for curriculum development and educational planning. It is also a pivotal tool for crafting purposeful, engaging questions that challenge students to think, interpret, and create in ways that are meaningful to them.

In a world saturated with all kinds of information, the ability to pose powerful questions is an invaluable asset. Bloom’s Taxonomy questions help educators tap into different levels of cognitive learning, stimulating curiosity and encouraging deeper exploration of topics. Each level in the taxonomy presents its own unique set of challenges and opportunities for intellectual growth. They foster a culture of inquiry, where students are not just passive receivers of knowledge but active constructors of their own understanding.

In today’s blog post, we will share with you examples of Bloom’s Taxonomy questions. This post is a part of a series exploring Bloom’s Taxonomy, and I invite you to also check out my other posts on Bloom’s Taxonomy books and Bloom’s Taxonomy verbs. These resources provide a comprehensive understanding of this foundational concept in education, enlightening you on the various ways to optimize your teaching strategies and engage your students in meaningful learning.

Bloom’s Taxonomy Questions

Here are some illustrative examples of Bloom’s taxonomy questions. The purpose is to help you come up with your own questions to use in your own instructional context.

segunda-feira, outubro 02, 2023

PPT num blogue - passos a dar

Ilustro neste vídeo como colocar um PPT num blogue, e fazendo com que apareça o primeiro ecrã e não o link html.

quinta-feira, setembro 14, 2023

Estratégias para uma (boa) gestão da sala de aula

quarta-feira, setembro 06, 2023

Estar atento ao perigos do uso da Internet é obrigatório

Teaching Your Students about Online Threats: Educator’s Guide to Cybersecurity

By Med Kharbach, PhD | Last Update: June 6, 2023

According to a study, 38% of teens can’t imagine life without their smartphone. Almost half are always reachable online. Children and teenagers are also the most vulnerable and unprepared when it comes to online security.

As a teacher and authority figure, you’re in an excellent position to educate students on online threats and healthy internet security habits. This guide touches on the most prevalent threats students face today. It then offers tips on making cybersecurity themes more interesting to students. Finally, it provides essential security tips you should impart to students of all ages.
What Threats Should Students Be Aware Of?