quarta-feira, novembro 30, 2022

Ideias para uso de QR Code em atividades de aprendizagem

10 Interesting Ways to Integrate QR Codes in Your Lessons
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By Med Kharbach, PhD November 15, 2022 qr code generators, QR code tools
With the advance of mobile technologies, QR Code technologies have immensely increased their educational potential. More teachers and students are using them for a wide variety of educational purposes. After reviewing QR code generators and scanners , in this post I share with you some of the practical ways you can integrate QR codes in your lessons. I also create an infographic version of this post which you can access at the bottom.

Based on the sources I listed at the end of this post, I come up with some helpful suggestions to help you integrate QR Codes in your lessons. These include:

1- Create interactive and engaging content
Use QR codes to link to extra reading materials and resources. For instance if you teach students about climate change, embed QR Codes that link to further resources on the topic such as web pages, videos, audio files, PDFs, documents, etc.

quarta-feira, novembro 09, 2022

Onde procurar um recurso digital na web? Basta pesquisar nos sites propostos abaixo e ...

Here Are Some of The Best Teaching Resources Websites
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By Med Kharbach, PhD November 07, 2022 Educational websites for teachers, my freebies
Teachers may sometimes feel overwhelmed by the multitude of resources available online. In fact, it can take a tremendous amount of time to sift through and locate required materials to use in your teaching, a taxing task for the already overburdened teacher.

To this end, and to help teachers make better use of their time and resources I curated for you this collection of educational resources where you can access educational content to use in your own instruction.

From ready-made lesson plans and study guides to practice exercises and EdTech tools, the websites below provide you with the resources you need to enhance your teaching/learning and grow professionally.

1- Khan Academy
Khan Academy provides free educational content in the form of instructional videos and practice exercises covering different subjects including math, chemistry, physics, science, arts, humanities and many more.

quinta-feira, outubro 20, 2022

Apps para fazer diagramas de Venn

Best Venn Diagram Makers for Non-designers
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By Med Kharbach, PhD October 02, 2022 Venn diagram makers
A venn diagram is a visual organizer composed of two or more overlapping circles. Venn Diagrams, named after their inventor John Venn, are especially used to contrast or compare a set of elements, ideas, concepts, items, etc with the purpose of drawing out similarities or differences. You can also use Venn diagrams to highlight important points or to outline and draw attention to the interrelatedness of elements.

As a teacher, you can use Venn diagrams to visually represent complex ideas and concepts and enhance students understanding. When creating presentations, Venn diagrams will also help you synthesize

terça-feira, outubro 18, 2022

Um guia para refletir no desenho do PADDE na Escola

Guía para afrontar la transformación digital en tu centro educativo
Analizamos los marcos de referencia en competencia digital vigentes en la actualidad, los actores implicados en el proceso y te damos siete ideas para emprender el camino de la transformación.

Índice de contenidos

Un viaje hacia la transformación digital de nuestros centros educativos
El qué y el porqué de la transformación digital
Marcos de referencia en competencia digital en educación y Plan Digital de CentroMarco Europeo de Organizaciones Educativas Digitalmente Competentes
Marco de referencia de la competencia digital docente
Marco Europeo de Competencias para la Ciudadanía
Dibujando nuestra hoja de ruta: El Plan Digital de Centro
Actores implicados en el proceso de transformaciónLiderazgo del Plan Digital a nivel de centro
Desarrollo de la Competencia Digital Docente
Practicar la escucha activa con las familias
El alumnado como protagonista de la transformación digital
Siete ideas para empezar la transformación digital en tu centro1 Exprime tu dotación tecnológica para extraer su máximo potencial
2 Contagia a tus compañeros en positivo
3 Comparte buenas prácticas digitales en tu centro
4 Involucra y da protagonismo a las familias en digital
5 Abre las puertas de tu aula con videoconferencias
6 Aprovecha las oportunidades de personalización que aportan las tecnologías
7 Aprovecha la versatilidad de la tecnología para fomentar la inclusión
Para ampliar

Un viaje hacia la transformación digital de nuestros centros educativos

Con este post te invitamos a hacer un viaje con la imaginación para vislumbrar como podría darse la transformación digital en tu centro educativo.

sexta-feira, setembro 30, 2022

Softwares para transcrever audio para texto escrito

Estas aplicações têm uma utilidade enorme para investigadores. Vale a pena o seu uso.

 Great Speech to Text Apps to Transcribe Audio Recordings
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By Med Kharbach, PhD August 29, 2022 Audio transcription apps, Speech to text apps

In this post I share with you a collection of some of the best audio transcription apps that you and your students can use to easily convert audio recordings to text. These speech to text apps offer a wide range of features that are especially ideal for us in education. Students can use them to record lectures and voice memos and have them automatically transcribed within minutes. Some of these apps even offer real-time transcription. Transcribed text can be edited for accuracy and be shared with others via email or uploaded to other apps.

Audio transcription apps can be used by ESL students to expand their vocabulary and learn English language as it is spoken in context. Students who are deaf or hard of hearing will also find these speech to text apps very helpful. Additionally, those of you who can not stand going through voice memos to remember what is being said or those of you who prefer to read notes instead of listening to recorded audio, these transcription apps are definitely a life-saver.

segunda-feira, agosto 22, 2022

Design Thinking - uma explicação simples

Una introduccio?n al Design Thinking – una metodología práctica from Esteban Romero-Frías

Una introduccio?n al Design Thinking – una metodología práctica
Deja un comentario / Creación de empresas, Design Thinking / Por Esteban

El Design Thinking o Pensamiento de Diseño es una metodología para la resolución de problemas abiertos y complejos aplicable a cualquier ámbito que requiera un enfoque creativo. Idris Mootee, en su

segunda-feira, agosto 15, 2022

Vídeos educacionais para crianças - No youtube: para explorar

Excellent YouTube Channels That Provide Educational Video Content for Kids
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By Med Kharbach, PhD August 12, 2022 Youtube channels for kids
In today's post, I am sharing with you this collection of YouTube channels that provide educational video content for kids. These channels cover a wide variety of educational topics including math, literacy, geography, science, physics, nature, astronomy, history, among others.

Teachers can use video content from these channels to engage students in creative hands-on activities and help them explore the world around them in fun and engaging ways. These channels also provide access to fun educational videos and interactive learning videos that can help enhance kids learning potential and boost their motivations and participation.

1. Nat Geo Kids
National Geograohic Kids is a YouTube channel that offers educational video content designed

domingo, agosto 07, 2022

Como promover aprendizagem ativa em turmas com muitos alunos... vale a pena ler :-)

😀 Post Views: 1,391

Low-Risk Strategies to Promote Active Learning in Large Classes
August 5, 2022
Meixun Sinky Zheng, PhD

This article first appeared in the Teaching Professor on March 7, 2018. © Magna Publications. All rights reserved.

Faculty who teach large classes confront the long-existing challenge of making their lectures more engaging and meaningful. In this article, I will share some low-risk strategies to help faculty transform lectures into student-centered learning experiences for enhanced learning outcomes.

quinta-feira, julho 07, 2022

O vídeo usado como motivador e como instrumento de aprendizagem

Does Video Improve Engagement and Learning ?

Does Video Improve Engagement and Learning?

Engagement And Learning: Is The Role of The Video So Catalytic?

A Huffington Post article title tells us that Research Confirms Video Improves Learning Results. According to the article, the author asked 500 learning practitioners if they believed that video improves learning outcomes. He measured respondents’ opinions of video. No learning outcomes were measured.

Ferramentas web de anotação online - dedicadas em especial a professores e alunos

Best Web Annotation Tools and Apps for Teachers and Students

By Med Kharbach, PhD May 24, 2022 web annotating tools
Annotation is a great way to capture and record your thoughts as you interact with reading resources (e.g., web pages, documents, PDFs, images, and videos). Annotation also offers a deeper level of engagement with text and is one of the efficient strategies for close and critical reading.

Annotating, as Porter-O’Donnell (2004) stated, is “a writing-to-learn strategy for use while reading or re-reading…[It] helps readers reach a deeper level of engagement and promotes active reading. It makes the reader’s “dialogue with the text” (Probst) a visible record of the thoughts that emerge while making sense of the reading” (p. 82).

Besides enhancing one’s comprehension of a text, annotation is also a great way to promote collaborative team work. Students working on the same project can record their comments at the margins of their reading documents then share their annotated docs with their collaborators and engage in interactive discussions.

There is a wide variety of web tools and mobile apps you can use to annotate web content and PDFs. Below is a collection of some of the best annotation tools and apps I recommend for teachers and students. I organized these resources into three main categories: web-based tools, PDF apps, and Screenshot tools.

I. Web-based annotation tools
These are web tools and Chrome extensions that you can use to add annotations to websites.

1. InsertLearning
InsertLearning enables you to easily markup any web page and transform it into an interactive document by inserting various videos, questions, discussions, and more. Students can easily access your annotations by visiting that website. They can respond to your questions, engage in discussions and add

segunda-feira, julho 04, 2022

Conceitos básicos do digital no mundo da educação

Key Educational Technology Concepts Teachers Should Know About

By Med Kharbach, PhD June 13, 2022 Educational technology concepts
Educational technology is a dynamic field of research and study. This dynamism stems mainly from the constant flow of new educational web technologies and the emergence of novel educational technology concepts that provide theoretical underpinnings for these technologies. The challenge for teachers is not only in keeping up with this fast moving trend but also with understanding the basic foundational concepts without which any talk about educational technology integration in class would be futile.

Being aware of the various educational terms and concepts out there is an important step towards making the best of technology in your instruction. To this end, I am sharing with you this collection of resources where you can access definitions of the key educational technology concepts that are now in vogue in the world of education.

domingo, julho 03, 2022

Para criar Websites para a sua turma ou seu grupo de trabalho

Estão aqui algumas soluções simples que não lhe vão permitir ter desculpas para não criar espaços e contextos de aprendizagem e partilha

Best Platforms to Create A Classroom Website and Blog
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By Med Kharbach, PhD July 02, 2022 Using blogs in teaching
Creating a digital presence for your class is now a required pedagogical investment to help you boost your teaching and enhance students learning. Now that the world is going digital, having a virtual space where you and your students create, discuss, and share learning resources can do wonders to your teaching.

A classroom website is much more than a mere portal to your classroom, it is a learning hub where students unleash their creative thinking, connect learning to their own individual experiences, and develop strong digital and multimedia literacies while working towards becoming better digital citizens.

segunda-feira, junho 06, 2022

Jogos de matemática para crianças

Cool Math Games- Free Online Math Games for Kids and Students

Cool Math Games offers access to a wide range of free math challenges that help students sharpen their mathematical skills. These include free thinking, strategy, and logic games. Cool Math games are student friendly and can be used in school and at home. 'There’s never violence, empty action, or inappropriate language – just a wide range of logic and strategy puzzles that’ll make you forget you're getting a mental workout.'

Image source: Google Play

Cool Math Games is part of the Cool Math network which includes, besides Cool Math games, Coolmath.com (offers math lessons and explanations on topics spanning algebra, pre-calculus, decimals, properties, factors, and more), and Coolmath4Kids (offers math resources for kids 12 and under).

segunda-feira, maio 23, 2022

Timelines inspiradores

As ferramentas de timelines têm potencial enorme para aplicações em educação.
Ficam aqui 31 exemplos retirados daqui.

20+ Interactive Timeline Examples for E-Learning Designers #369

Timeline Examples in E-Learning RECAP #369: Challenge | Recap

This week's challenge asked course designers to share examples of timeline interactions and how they use timelines in e-learning.

Michael Palko

Michael Palko

Example | Michael Palko | Website

terça-feira, maio 10, 2022

Por vezes um relógio grande faz falta...

Best Online Classroom Timers to Use with Students

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Educatorstechnology 1:14 AM classroom timers, timer tools

Online classroom timers are web-based tools to use in your class to measure time. These tools have a number of pedagogical benefits. Using timers with students will absolutely help them develop an intuitive sense of time and will help them develop key time management habits that will benefit them throughout their life. Timers can also help with classroom management.

sábado, abril 23, 2022

7 Aplicações educativas para iPad

7 Educational iPad Apps free Today
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Educatorstechnology 12:03 PM Apps gone free
Today's apps gone free series features 7 good educational iPad apps that are free today and only for a limited period of time. Some of the things you can do with these apps include: a smarter timer to help you organize and time your activities, a note taking application to capture your thoughts, a photo collage app to create beautiful visuals, and many more.

Source: WordWhile

sexta-feira, abril 01, 2022

Dicionários online para colocar no Google Chrome

As barreiras linguísticas deixam de existir se soubermos usar estas aplicações. Experimentem.

Best Dictionary Extensions For Chrome Users
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Educatorstechnology 3:31 AM Chrome extensions
Updated in March 2022

The Internet has not only revolutionized the way knowledge is being created and shared but has also democratized access to this knowledge. Language barriers? Not any more. There are now tons of online dictionary and translation tools provided for free for anyone to access at anytime and anywhere.

There are even handy dictionary extensions which once installed provide users with instant access to online dictionaries with no interruption to the reading/browsing process. The purpose of this post is to share with you a collection of some the best dictionary extensions you and your students can use to browse the web with no linguistic barriers.

Dictionary extensions enable you to access definitions of words without leaving your web page. Double click on a word and read the definition in the pop-up bubble,. You can always click to read full definition including learning about the word's synonyms, antonyms, sentence examples, etymology, and more.

terça-feira, março 15, 2022

Segurança na Internet ... sabemos tudo??? Vale a pena ler o artigo.

Why Phishing Still Works (and What to Do About It)

Protecting against this age-old cybercriminal tactic requires a combination of technology and education. Here's how to help users recognize a phishing threat and what to do when an attack gets through your defenses.
By Jerry Dixon

Last fall, Howard University made headlines as the victim of a ransomware attack that forced the cancellation of online and in-person classes, among other operational issues. And the Washingon, DC, institution is not the only university to be impacted by cybercriminals. With their vast repositories of sensitive and personal data from students, faculty and staff, colleges and universities are a prime target for attack.

terça-feira, março 01, 2022

Regras de uso da Internet

15 Key Netiquette Guidelines to Share with Your Students
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Educatorstechnology 8:39 PM Netiquette guidelines
Netiquette is the digital equivalent of the traditional etiquette. Netiquette (net + etiquette) is the code of proper conduct applied to communication on virtual online spaces. This code is dictated by common sense rules (manners) and social conventions. Every teacher using technology with their students should definitely craft what I call a 'netiquette manifesto' for their class.

segunda-feira, fevereiro 28, 2022

Como usar um LMS

10 Basics that Students Want from the LMS, and How to Help Faculty Implement Them
By Rhea Kelly

The Campus Technology Insider podcast explores current trends and issues impacting technology leaders in higher education. Listen in as Executive Editor Rhea Kelly chats with ed tech experts and practitioners about their work, ideas and experiences.

Ouvir AQUI...

At Ohio State University, students developed a list of 10 ways that instructors can use the learning management system more effectively — common-sense guidelines that aim to make courses more consistent, predictable, easier to navigate and generally more student-friendly. We spoke with Sam Craighead, associate director of professional learning in Ohio State's Office of Technology and Digital Innovation, about understanding the student perspective, supporting faculty with research-based practices, and the impact of instructional design on student success.

Resource links:
Carmen Common Sense
Keep Teaching Resource Center
Campus Technology Leadership Summit

Music: Mixkit

Duration: 31 minutes

Ways to Listen

Campus Technology Insider is available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, Spotify and Stitcher. Subscribe today or listen at campustechnology.com/podcast.


About the author: Rhea Kelly is editor in chief for Campus Technology. She can be reached at rkelly@1105media.com.

quinta-feira, fevereiro 24, 2022

Agendar reuniões com ajuda de softwares simples

6 Great Tools to Help Teachers Easily Plan and Schedule Meetings

In today's post, I am sharing with you a collection of some useful tools to use to schedule meetings with multiple people. You no longer need to send mass emails to everyone inquiring about their time availability, using these tools renders meeting planning a simple and easy task that can help you plan meetings and enable you take control of your time scheduling the way you want. 

These tools will save you so much time, energy, and hassle and will definitely improve your overall productivity. There are also practical to use to plan your video conferencing and webinar sessions. Whether you are hosting an online event, a webinar, a virtual conference, or an online class, use the tools below to plan and schedule meetings without the hassle of back and forth emails.

  6 Great Tools to Help Teachers Easily Plan and Schedule Meetings

terça-feira, fevereiro 22, 2022

terça-feira, fevereiro 08, 2022

Tecnologias digitais nos territórios educativos

Assinar com Bloglines

Como criar um blogue...no blogger

Here is How to Create A Classroom Blog Using Blogger
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Educatorstechnology 1:03 AM Using blogs in teaching
Updated in February, 2022

Blogging is a digital activity with immense educational potential. You can easily integrate blogging into your teaching to both transform your professional practice and to open up new learning possibilities for your students.

There are various ways to use educational blogging in your instruction including to showcase students learning, to share extracurricular resources, to create a virtual hub for interacting with students remotely, to connect with parents and school community, to extend learning beyond classroom walls, to share assignments and important dates/events, among others.

As I argued elsewhere, when you decide to integrate blogging into your teaching, you need to conceptualize it within a pedagogical framework with clear objectives and learning goals. You also need to set up custom blogging rubrics to help you assess students learning and track their overall progress.

There are several blogging platforms that you can use to create your classroom blog. Blogger by Google is among the best ones out there. In today's post, I am sharing with you this step by step guide to help you set up your classroom blog using Blogger platform.

segunda-feira, janeiro 24, 2022

Como funciona e se usa o Quizizz... bom para processos de avaliação formativa

What Is Quizizz and How to Use It with Your Students?

Educatorstechnology 6:20 PM Formative assessment, game-based learning tools, Quizizz

Quizizz is a game-based learning tool that you can use to engage students in deep and meaningful learning experiences. It allows you to create both teacher-paced and student-paced quizzes and lessons. Using Quizizz editor, you can easily design your own quizzes embedding various types of questions (multiple choice, open ended, polls, fill in the blanks, etc.) and media (e.g., images, videos, voice clips, and audio recordings).

terça-feira, janeiro 04, 2022

5 práticas para fazer aprender - vale a pena pensar em cada uma delas

5 Incredibly Effective Teaching Practices

Educatorstechnology 4:40 AM 21st century education, 21st century teaching skills

As teachers and educators, we are in a constant state of flux. Traditional ways of teaching are taking backstage while new emerging methodologies are thrusted to the forefront. In fact, the educational landscape is changing so fast that it is hard to predict what our classrooms will be like in the near future.

Technology is definitely a key factor in this change but is not the only one, and certainly not the silver bullet of education. External environmental factors also have their say in what is happening in the education sector. Think about the current pandemic and the seismic impact it has on education, an impact whose ripples are still reverberating across the educational spectrum.

Google Meet - Dicas para melhorar o desempenho

Two Helpful Google Meet Tools for Teachers and Educators
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Educatorstechnology 2:40 PM Google Meet

Google Meet is definitely one of the best video conferencing tools to use in your distance education. The education community is increasingly drawing on its communicative power to deliver courses, host meetings and PD sessions, organize online conferences, run virtual classes, and many more. Given its educational potential I have dedicated a whole section featuring resources to help teachers make the best of this platform in their teaching.

After we have seen how to record Google Meet captions and live chat messages, today's post features two equally important extensions that will help you charge your Meet with more practical functionalities:

1- Google Meet Enhancement Suite

Google Meet Enhancement Suite adds over 40 features to Google Meet. These include basic features such as : push to talk (allows you to mute and unmute yourself with a single click), auto join (lets you get directly to the meeting), quick leave (lets you leave meetings with a single click), set background colour, automatically enable captions on calls, auto video off, auto mute, and many more.
As for the pro features they include: auto record, speaker highlight, meeting timer, mirror videos, mute all, do not disturb mode, auto pin chat, auto-full presentation free on presentation, display clock, hotkey editing, dark mode, and many more.

2- Meet Plus for Google Meet

Another key extension that adds more interactive features to Google Meet. Basic features include: drag/resize/restore video tiles, dark modes, show/hide bottom bar, emoji reaction, help request (participants can request help from the meeting host), task management (participants receive tasks from the meeting host), trivia quiz (integrate trivia quiz in meetings), link sharing (participants can share links during meet sessions), meeting timer, stopwatch, and many more.