terça-feira, abril 27, 2010

elearning e ocupação do tempo

A child sits at home in front of his computer screen, working through a virtual-school lesson by mindlessly clicking through the multiple choices, never talking to a teacher or a fellow student or even glimpsing the great outdoors and interacting with the real world.
This static, impersonal, anti-social school experience is the image that many parents, teachers and school administrators continue to have in mind when they picture the world of online learning, even as more and more brick-and-mortar school districts explore full- or part-time virtual education. (...)

Vale a pena ler este artigo e reflectir sobre o nosso modelo de Bolonha


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quinta-feira, abril 15, 2010

A importância das TIC na educação na Europa

" European teachers believe creativity is a fundamental competence to be developed at school (94%) and claim that creativity can be applied to every domain of knowledge and to every school subject (95.5%)..."

Saíu na ultima newsletter da  Information Society Unit da Comissão Europeia
Vale a pena ler


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quinta-feira, abril 08, 2010

Mudando a sala de aula, podem mudar-se comportamentos

Quando se juntam as mesas em quadrado, muda-se também a hierarquia entre os alunos. Deixa de existir a divisão entre indisciplinados nos lugares de trás e "marrões" nas filas da frente. Como está agora, a sala de aula é "um espaço antinatural"  

Por Clara Viana


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quarta-feira, abril 07, 2010

Assim se evitam roubos de laptops...os americanos dizem que fazem assim!!!

Para problemas dificeis, soluções simples...
"In education, the incorporation of computers is becoming progressively more prevalent — school districts, colleges and universities are increasingly relying on mobile computers to enhance teaching and learning. This, however, introduces new challenges for IT staff: They must manage mobile computers cost effectively and reduce the risk of missing laptops, whether from theft, loss or users forgetting to return them. According to the Ponemon Institute, 12,000 laptops are lost in U.S. airports each week, and two-thirds of them are never returned..."

Leiam este artigo e facilmente podem encontrar novas ideias para evitar que os PC's portáteis vão desaparecendo


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