segunda-feira, novembro 18, 2013

31 digital skills para professores do Sec. XXI

É sempre aterrorizador ter alguém que me diga que eu devo ter 31 competencias digitais para ser professor Hoje... Afinal estamos no Sec XXI.
Mas uma leitura rápida a este texto de Med Kharbach talvez nos faça sentir mais confiantes. Não estamos assim tão longe disso.
Boa leitura!, JL

Every single teacher is concerned about his/ her teaching practices and the skills involved in this process. How many times have you wondered about a better way to teach the same lesson you have delivered to an eariler class? How often have you used technology to engage your students and improve their learning ? These are some recurring questions we keep regurgitating each time our teaching skills are put to the test.

It is amazing how technology has changed the whole world giving rise to new forms of education we never thought of. Our students are more digitally focused than any time before. They spend more time interacting with their mobile devices than they do with their parents or close relatives. Admittedly, this digital boom has both positive and negative impact on our students. Lack of concentration, short attention span, distraction, visual stimulus overload, identity theft, lack of real world socializing, privacy issues, depression, and many more are but a direct result of the growing exposure to this technology. Studies have even proved that multitasking, which some educational technology experts brag about in relation to the use of today's technology, reduces the power of our concentration to the half. We should not, However, only look at the empty side of the cup, the other side is way bigger.

segunda-feira, novembro 11, 2013

Mapas concetuais

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O mapa concetual é uma ferramenta poderosa para organização de ideias e construção de textos...veja algumas destas ferramentas gratuitas.

Organizing thoughts is a difficult task, for both teachers and students. Lack of a medium to organize all these thoughts can lead to stress, confusion, and lack of success in regards to yourself, or your students. Utilize these 6 Best Free Mind Mapping Tools for Teachers in order to be the best educator possible and ensure that your students are able to reach their full potential. *Update: we added one more!!!

How To Use The 6 Best Free Mind-Mapping Tools for Teachers

  1. ExamTimeAbout ExamTime How to use examtimeExamTime is a free elearning platform designed for students and teachers to create, share and discover study resources that will enhance the learning experience. This easy-to-use website allows users to create study aids such as FlashcardsQuizzesNotes & a personalized Study Planner in addition to Mind Maps – all for free.

eLearning Games - 6 tips

6 Elements for Awesome eLearning Games

Elearning games are engaging and fun when done right. That is why understanding elements of gaming can dramatically take your course from lame to fame. Learn these 6 awesome eLearning game elements and be awesome.
Games can be a great way to make online training more exciting. Let's explore what elements can be used when creating games. You don't need to have all of these elements in each game however adding them can make your game more exciting and engaging. 

terça-feira, outubro 15, 2013

Envisioning the future of education technology

Envisioning the future of education technology

by mz.
Explore more infographics like this one on the web's largest information design community - Visually.

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segunda-feira, julho 22, 2013

10 Simple Tips For Better Teaching With Tablets

by Ravi Bhatt, iAnnotate Software Developer
Teachers can’t escape the growing trend of technology in the classroom.  It’s more than just hype.  More schools are buying tablets for use in the classroom, with Apple’s tablet sales to the education sector doubling last year.
As a mobile software company whose product is used extensively in education, we dream big about the future of technology in the classroom.  We have worked with numerous great teachers who have successfully leveraged tablets to improve the learning experience for students.
Are you tempted to join the trend?  Here are ten tips for introducing tablets into your classroom.
1. Strive For A Mobile-Friendly Curriculum
Ensure curriculum is tablet-friendly. Review your syllabus for the coming semester and identify interactive projects that are a natural fit for an iPad. Conversely, pick a few subjects that are in need of a shake-up, having failed to come alive in a traditional classroom setting. Also, format materials to be easily viewed and used on a tablet. PDFs and Word files work the best for sharing and annotation.

quinta-feira, maio 02, 2013

dos MOOC à flipped classroom...The Most Promising Educational Technologies for 2013-2014

The Most Promising Educational Technologies for 2013-2014

MARCH 10, 2013

Este é um artigo interessante que aflora o que são hoje duas tendências importantes para o futuro na  educação superior - os flipped classroom e os MOOC. Educação formal e informal em confronto. Boas leituras.
The Most Promising Educational Technologies for 2013-2014
The face of education is changing. The education model created in the 1800s by top universities around the world are no longer applicable in today’s modern world. The academic world has resisted the changes that technology has brought to the world, but eventually, even the most stubborn universities now acknowledge the advantages of technology in education. This reluctant embrace of technology has lead to the creation of many different technology-based education models. For 2013-2014, the following five programs show the most promise:

quinta-feira, março 28, 2013

Distance Learning Enters Mobile Age with Smartphones, Tablets


University of Leicester took a unique step to make sure that every student taking advantage of its distance learning MSc course in security, conflict and international development has a good way of keeping up with their studies – it issued each one of them an iPad. Now each student can download the school-designed app that [...]

University of Leicester took a unique step to make sure that every student taking advantage of its distance learning MSc course in security, conflict and international development has a good way of keeping up with their studies – it issued each one of them an iPad. Now each student can download the school-designed app that includes course materials and continue along with the lessons even when they don’t have access to the internet for weeks at a time.

sexta-feira, março 22, 2013

Ensinar com tablets - algumas ideias

Please include attribution to with this graphic.

Teaching With Tablets

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Quer razões para ensinar com TIC ?

13 Reasons To Use Educational Technology In Lessons

tech_fone01Sometimes you need to convince colleagues to think about using educational technology in their lessons, or to identify where in their scheme of work they could incorporate it.

This list is a starting point: you may find one or two points that would "resonate" with your co-worker, and grab his or her attention.
  1. Where information and communications technology (ICT) is taught well, it has been shown to enhance pupils’ levels of understanding and attainment in other subjects. That’s because “real” ICT is more about thinking skills than about mastering particular software applications.
  2. ICT can provide both the resources and the pedagogical framework for enabling pupils to become effective independent learners. For example, computer programs are available that adjust themselves to the pupils’ level and then set appropriate tasks and give feedback on performance. Used wisely, these can help pupils to move on.

terça-feira, março 19, 2013

Learning analytics

Sobre learning analytics, um PPT interessante, que o Paulo Simões partilhou no slideshare

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