quinta-feira, março 28, 2013

Distance Learning Enters Mobile Age with Smartphones, Tablets


University of Leicester took a unique step to make sure that every student taking advantage of its distance learning MSc course in security, conflict and international development has a good way of keeping up with their studies – it issued each one of them an iPad. Now each student can download the school-designed app that [...]

University of Leicester took a unique step to make sure that every student taking advantage of its distance learning MSc course in security, conflict and international development has a good way of keeping up with their studies – it issued each one of them an iPad. Now each student can download the school-designed app that includes course materials and continue along with the lessons even when they don’t have access to the internet for weeks at a time.

sexta-feira, março 22, 2013

Ensinar com tablets - algumas ideias

Please include attribution to OnlineUniversities.com with this graphic.

Teaching With Tablets

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Quer razões para ensinar com TIC ?

13 Reasons To Use Educational Technology In Lessons

tech_fone01Sometimes you need to convince colleagues to think about using educational technology in their lessons, or to identify where in their scheme of work they could incorporate it.

This list is a starting point: you may find one or two points that would "resonate" with your co-worker, and grab his or her attention.
  1. Where information and communications technology (ICT) is taught well, it has been shown to enhance pupils’ levels of understanding and attainment in other subjects. That’s because “real” ICT is more about thinking skills than about mastering particular software applications.
  2. ICT can provide both the resources and the pedagogical framework for enabling pupils to become effective independent learners. For example, computer programs are available that adjust themselves to the pupils’ level and then set appropriate tasks and give feedback on performance. Used wisely, these can help pupils to move on.

terça-feira, março 19, 2013

Learning analytics

Sobre learning analytics, um PPT interessante, que o Paulo Simões partilhou no slideshare

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