quarta-feira, agosto 09, 2023

Algumas alternativas ao Kahoot

O Kahoot tem vindo a limitar as funcionalidades na sua versão básica (gratuita). Apresentamos algumas alternativas semelhantes.

Best Alternatives to Kahoot

By Med Kharbach, PhD | Last Update: June 27, 2023

Kahoot is a game-based learning platform that allows educators to create fun, interactive quizzes that students can participate in using any device with an Internet connection. It adds a dose of competition to learning, fostering engagement and boosting knowledge retention in a playful way.

However, as captivating as Kahoot may be, the realm of EdTech is vast and brimming with alternatives that could cater to different teaching styles and learning needs. As a seasoned educator and an EdTech blogger, I have had the privilege to explore and review a wide array of these digital tools. I have encountered several innovative platforms that are well-equipped to offer a similar, if not superior, learning experience compared to Kahoot.

In this blog post, I’m thrilled to share some of these alternatives to Kahoot, shedding light on their unique features and how they might better serve specific educational objectives. Whether you’re in search of a new way to engage your students, or you’re curious about what else is out there in the EdTech universe, this guide will provide valuable insights.

Alternatives to Kahoot
Here is our list of the best alternatives to kahoot:

sexta-feira, agosto 04, 2023

Detetar textos de Inteligência artificial

Vale sempre a pena ter um destes instrumentos à mão.


6 of The Best AI Content Detectors for Teachers and Educators

By Med Kharbach, PhD | Last Update: May 26, 2023

AI generated content is now everywhere online. The infamous ChatGPT is but the tip of the iceberg. In fact, AI content generation tools have been around for several months before the introduction of ChatGPT.

Like any other technology, when abused or used inappropriately, these AI tools can turn into a devastating technology, harming content creators and promoting a culture of plagiarism, inauthenticity, and amateurism.

If you are an educator or a teacher, you probably are already dealing with the repercussions of these AI tools in your daily work. More and more students are using AI (especially AI writing tools) to help them with their learning and we can not stop them from doing that. But we can not accept that they turn in AI-generated essays and assignments.

As much as they help in optimizing and creating transformative learning experiences, AI tools also create challenging problems for us in education, most of which are related to plagiarism and originality.